Collection: Hemimorphite (Calamine)
Hemimorphite is a zinc silicate mineral that forms in the oxidation zones of zinc ore deposits, often in association with (and confused with) other minerals such as smithsonite and hydrozincite. It typically occurs in botryoidal or stalactitic formations and ranges in color from blue to green, white, or colorless.
Under ultraviolet light, some specimens of Hemimorphite may exhibit fluorescence, emitting a faint to moderate glow, typically blue or green.
Metaphysically, Hemimorphite is associated with emotional healing, communication, and inner peace. It's believed to promote self-expression, enhance empathy, and facilitate the release of emotional wounds and traumas.
In terms of zodiac associations, Hemimorphite is not strongly linked to any specific sign but is appreciated by many for its calming and soothing properties.
Chakra practitioners often connect Hemimorphite with the throat chakra, located in the throat area. It's believed to facilitate clear communication, self-expression, and emotional balance.